While working at this home I had many opportunities to share what I believe in. I got the most random questions ever. I will list some of them, along with my answers. However, I did not get the questions because I wear a neon sign that reads "Hey. I'm a Mormon" but I got the questions because of how I live my life.
Question One: If your Mormon do you always have to wear white? This was my good Friend Mitchell asking this, cause I always wear a white t-shirt and jeans to work. He asked this cause he consistently sees the missionaries also wearing white shirts.
My answer: I wear white cause its my style. I don't want to wear my good clothes when I am working with small, very messy kids. The Missionaries where white shirts because that is their uniform, just like many people have uniforms at their places of employment.
Question Two: Why do Mormon's Dress in all white at the Temple? This question came from my friend Ashley, who was baptized as a Mormon at age 8, but has never returned. However, she has recently attended several funerals of people that were LDS, in which the deceased were dressed in temple clothing, as it is standard in the LDS church to do so.
My answer: White means purity, it symbolizes that we live our lives clean and pure. I told her it was similar to wearing white on your wedding day. It also means that we are all on the same playing field. That we are dressed the same because we are all sons and daughters of Heavenly Father and that he loves each and everyone of us the same. We are all equal in His eyes.
Question Three: Which nearly all of my coworkers asked. "Hey, T, why don't you smoke?"
My answer: "Personally I don't like lighting my money on fire." Now, this answer did receive some very bazaar looks, and it warranted me to explain in further. I always had the following conversation with each person that asked why I don't smoke: "You get your paycheck. Say its five dollars. You go to the casino (that's where they all cash their checks) so now you have five dollars in monetary form. Now, you go to the smoke shop, and trade that five dollars for a pack of cigarettes, now you light them, one by one. Therefore, you are lighting your money on fire." Most of them laughed at me, but some said that made sense, and have since attempted to stop smoking, or have cut down alot of their habit.
Question Four: "Hey, T. Why don't you drink?"
My answer: "Personally, I like my liver, and I kind of want to keep it around." . I then explained to him that I don't like rotten fruit, and that's all wine is, is fermented fruit.
Question Five: "Hey,T, why don't you drink coffee, or energy drinks?" I became known as the one who didn't drink coffee, nor did I have the slightest idea how to prepare it.
My answer: Because caffeine is linked to causing heart attacks, and I kind of wanna stick around for a while. Once again they gave me a look of "what are you talking about?" One search on my favorite site, google, then hand them my phone to read the articles about caffeine and the health problems associated with it, and it normally squashes all of their arguments.
Its been very entertaining them asking having them ask questions, and then explaining my answers, without telling them "cause my religion says so" because then it makes it sound like I don't live my own life, but that I just follow rules set forth by an entity. I choose to live this way because I want to be healthy and happy.
I have watched the lives of many people change, and have started living their lives to a higher standard. I have watched their health improve as they cut back on drinking and smoking. I have had one friend state that he wants to be baptized Mormon. I have had another friend say that she wants to go back to the Mormon church, and does have an open-door invite to come with us, as we are in a variety-ward. Watching people change for the better, is probably one of the greatest's joys. I think just by the way we live our lives, opens up so many doors of opportunity of to talk to our friends and neighbors about the church.