Sunday, March 27, 2011

Welcome Aboard!

Okay.... Well... I felt impressed that I should start a new, public blog about my journey that I am currently on...

Let me give you a snapshot into my life:

Raised in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, therefore was baptized at the age of 8.

Always struggled with being active in the church....

Except for four short years when I had the privilege of living with my Aunt and Uncle and their large family during my high school years where I was completely submerged in the faith.

While attending the community college I met the man of my dreams and had a fairy-tail-happily-ever-after wedding. We were sealed for time and all eternity in the Fresno California temple, December 13, 2007. Which was the anniversary of my adoptive mom's death.

Got slapped in the face, and HARD, by something called INFERTILITY.

Moved to sin city to better ourselves and attend a university.

I had been having terrible doubts in any higher being. I have suffered so incredibly much, and therefore doubted the existence of God. But who hasn't, right?

A few months back I made the resolution to find the faith that I have once that I once loved. This is referring to the love of my eternal Father, and the unconditional love of Jesus Christ. And to get myself active once again in the LDS church.

This blog was created so that everyday I may find something good in my life, and hopefully come to recognize a higher being in my life.  Feel free to follow along in this incredible journey I have embarked on.


  1. I look forward to this journey! Glad that we're both finding that faith again! :)

  2. This is amazing Tiana! I'm so happy that you are on the path to a joy-filled life again :)
